Saturday, March 7, 2009


i do this cuz nothing else to do... wakaka so enjoy knowing bout me XD

Read the rules and then start answering some Q's. Got it? The questions below are all based on friendship, love, family and life.

The rules:

a. Read the rules.

b. Read the questions.

c. Answer the question truthfully.

d. Tag at least 8 people.

1. What letter does your name starts with?
- A...

2. How old are you?
- i am 16 goin on 17 (i got it from sound of music XD)

3. Are you in high school or just graduated high school or in college?
- umm high school

4. What is the colour of your eyes?
- umm either its dark brown or black... XD

5. What is your body type? Be honest.
- kinda skinny i think...

6. Are you a bi or gay or lesbian or straight edge?
- straight.... no question ask

7. Do you believe in love first sight?
- yes n no... depends

8. Have you ever been in love?
- hehe.... yes XP

9. If you answered "Yes" in question 8, what its like to be in love?
- hard to explain... but it is amazing i think

10. What letter does ur bf/gf starts with?
- i have no girl...

11. Do you support abortion?
- what does it means?... wakka joking of course not XD

12. Have your heart ever been broken?
- dun wan to talk bout it... >.>

13. Would you protect your friends if they're in danger?
- yep XD

14. Would you forgive your friend if he/she stabs you in the back?
- yes.... no questions ask... XD

15. Are you a caring person?
- i think... only the people around me knows XD

16. Do you love your parents?
- yep XD

17. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- 3 older brother and 1 young sister

18. Do you like having brothers or sisters?
- yup... they make my life so lively XD

19. What is your favourite cursing word?
- Qima with a Q... i think XD

20. Do you like to curse?
- hmm for jokes only.... wakak but tryin not to use cursed words anymore XP

21. Which celebrity that you think is hot?
- umm.... Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lovehewitt..... XD

22. Which singer do you think is fake?
- hmm... no one i guess

23. What can't you live without?
- friends, family, music, friends again n a goal in life.... i think XD

24. What do you treasured most in your life?
- every moment in life XD

25. What are your current obsession?
- umm... music maybe XD

Last Question...

26. What is your favourite colour/s?
- if i say gray?.... XD joking... its actually yellow..... XD

Solution to question number26.

Black- Loner. You have a dark soul in you and you like to be mysterious about your life.

Blue- Calmer. Damn, its hard to make you angry. Why can't you get angry for once??

Red- Protecter. You are strong and you protect the ones you loved although you know you get killed.

Green- Peace lover. Aww, i'm proud of you. You love peace and you would do anything so you can make this world a better place to live.

Yellow- Likes to smile. You like to spread joy to the world. Good for you!

White- Angel. You have a kind soul in you. You cared for the ones you love.

Pink- Sensitive. You're a soft-hearted person. You shed tears easily.

Purple- Lover. You'll fall for someone too fast. Get to know them first.

I’ve tagged.... umm sera, fera, aldo, rudof, don, jill myb and umm forgot d XD